手上這兩件小小的產品就是我這次想介紹的 Everbella
I would like to introduce these two product - Everbella
The the snail ingredients of Everbella snails from Taiwan's Changhua County, Taiwan Shiao Pin snail ecology park
他們所提取的蝸牛黏液 , 在實驗室零下 60 度的溫度下保持粘液新鮮和活躍的
About the snail mucus, they are extracted in the laboratory at a temperature of minus 60 degrees to keep the mucus fresh and active
而且不需要殺死蝸牛 , 並且設有 ISO 認證的工廠 , 包裝跟製造都是一站式的
Do not need to kill the snails, and the factory has ISO certification, Packaging with manufacturing for the same factory
Everbella有多款產品 , 其中一款就是這個蝸牛精華
Everbella has various snail skin care products ,and the one at the picture is snail compact liquid essence
包裝成安瓶裝 , 感覺保鮮度滿分
Packaging into safe bottled, you can feel the freshness
一瓶就能保濕 , 更生及美白
A bottle can moisturize, repair and whiten the skin.
有如隱形眼鏡的瓶子 , 唯一要注意的是要小心打開
Like a bottle of contact lens, only to pay attention to carefully open
試上手是水狀的 , 就連它的質感也很像水
Try on my hand feeling like watery , even its texture much like water
打圈推開 , 感覺就是很滑 , 很水感
Applied to the surface of the hand, the feeling is very slippery,like sense of water
它不是一塗上去就吸收的那種 , 但只要多按摩一下 ,
It is not a smear finished on the absorption of the kind, but as long as more than massage
That most will feel very moist
我最近的狀態是真的不太好 ,
My state is really not very good
哮喘發了 , 整個人變得很腫漲 , 連皮膚也變得很差
Asthma attack , make me become very swollen, even the skin also becomes poor
近看我的眼紋 , 真的是 OH MY GOD ....
Close look at my eye pattern, really is OH MY GOD
黑眼圈又深 , 眼也沒神
A very deep dark circles, make me ugly
At this time, the skin is the best test for products
I will use the snail compact liquid essence to centralize painted one of my side of the face
我毫不客氣的擠了好多在臉上 , 多到要滴下來的那種
I unceremoniously squeeze a lot of the kind in the face, and more to dripping
這種產品真的不能省 , 太省會沒效果
This product is really not the saving, too provident capital with no effect
Spend your fingers to massage and firming
Until completely absorbed the essence
我認真覺得它的滿神效 , 眼紋立即減少了
I seriously think it's full of the magic of eye pattern immediately reduced
皮膚也亮白了 .....
The skin get brightening
我不曉得跟我塗精華時順便按摩有沒關係 , 但真的是變白了耶
I do not realize that takes I painted the essence of the way massage does not matter, but really get more white
然後是 Everbella的皇牌蝸牛霜
The other one is the Ace of Everbella - snail cream
The the snail ingredients of Everbella snails from Taiwan's Changhua County, Taiwan Shiao Pin snail ecology park
他們所提取的蝸牛黏液 , 在實驗室零下 60 度的溫度下保持粘液新鮮和活躍的
About the snail mucus, they are extracted in the laboratory at a temperature of minus 60 degrees to keep the mucus fresh and active
而且不需要殺死蝸牛 , 並且設有 ISO 認證的工廠 , 包裝跟製造都是一站式的
Do not need to kill the snails, and the factory has ISO certification, Packaging with manufacturing for the same factory
Everbella有多款產品 , 其中一款就是這個蝸牛精華
Everbella has various snail skin care products ,and the one at the picture is snail compact liquid essence
包裝成安瓶裝 , 感覺保鮮度滿分
Packaging into safe bottled, you can feel the freshness
一瓶就能保濕 , 更生及美白
A bottle can moisturize, repair and whiten the skin.
有如隱形眼鏡的瓶子 , 唯一要注意的是要小心打開
Like a bottle of contact lens, only to pay attention to carefully open
試上手是水狀的 , 就連它的質感也很像水
Try on my hand feeling like watery , even its texture much like water
打圈推開 , 感覺就是很滑 , 很水感
Applied to the surface of the hand, the feeling is very slippery,like sense of water
它不是一塗上去就吸收的那種 , 但只要多按摩一下 ,
It is not a smear finished on the absorption of the kind, but as long as more than massage
That most will feel very moist
我最近的狀態是真的不太好 ,
My state is really not very good
哮喘發了 , 整個人變得很腫漲 , 連皮膚也變得很差
Asthma attack , make me become very swollen, even the skin also becomes poor
近看我的眼紋 , 真的是 OH MY GOD ....
Close look at my eye pattern, really is OH MY GOD
黑眼圈又深 , 眼也沒神
A very deep dark circles, make me ugly
At this time, the skin is the best test for products
I will use the snail compact liquid essence to centralize painted one of my side of the face
我毫不客氣的擠了好多在臉上 , 多到要滴下來的那種
I unceremoniously squeeze a lot of the kind in the face, and more to dripping
這種產品真的不能省 , 太省會沒效果
This product is really not the saving, too provident capital with no effect
Spend your fingers to massage and firming
Until completely absorbed the essence
我認真覺得它的滿神效 , 眼紋立即減少了
I seriously think it's full of the magic of eye pattern immediately reduced
皮膚也亮白了 .....
The skin get brightening
我不曉得跟我塗精華時順便按摩有沒關係 , 但真的是變白了耶
I do not realize that takes I painted the essence of the way massage does not matter, but really get more white
然後是 Everbella的皇牌蝸牛霜
The other one is the Ace of Everbella - snail cream
法國 邏旋 蝸牛提取物,已知成分尿囊素,有效地修復疤痕,幫助肌膚對抗自由基,
French Helix Aspersa Muller snail extract, known ingredients Allantoin to repair scar, helping skin to fight free radicals,
Moisturizing, wound repair, soothe and relieve to keep skin conditioning and soothing effect.
Snail shell or bodily injuried, Allantoin can be more than self-protection mechanisms, repair conditioning on human skin equally effective.
Collagen, skin connective tissue component Eelastin, a common architecture intact skin, beauty care products,
in order to keep the water of its effectiveness as a moisturizing agent.
Elastin, it keeps the skin tissue, the skin loses its elasticity, resulting in wrinkles grew older,
The appropriate supplement Elastin to prevent early wrinkles, reduce UV damage to the skin.
Glycolic acid (1.6%), to reduce the adhesion of the stratum corneum, promoting the aging tissue natural peeling, rehydrated skin tissue to remove dull skin,
Against free radical damage to the skin, stimulate collagen ability to regulate.
Polysaccharides, which help conserve water and protect the skin. Proteolytic enzyme, the balance between the help of proteolytic enzymes and hydrolysis resistant.
Vitamins A, C, E, and promote collagen synthesis and skin newborn.
One bottle of snail cream has a lot of high-quality ingredients
Because ths snail mucus has a very magical effect.
除了補濕 , 它主要能加速皮膚的修復能力 ,
In addition to rehydrate it can accelerate the skin's ability to repair,
用在有傷口的皮膚上 , 是絕對適合不過
Use it on the skin wound is absolutely appropriate
Everbella的蝸牛霜呈乳霜狀 , 推開後好像有一層保護膜
Everbella snail cream was creamy, pushed seems to have a protective film
重點在於它很清爽 , 而同時能高效補濕
The focus is that it is very refreshing, while efficiently hydrating
精華之後我會塗上這個蝸牛霜 , 這樣效果就更好
I will be coated this snail cream after Essence , so the effect will be greater
正面給你們看好了 ~
see it ~
The left side of the picture is photographed after I run out of the two products.
除了因為我的手勢令整個臉拉提了 , 你看那眼圈眼紋的地方
In addition to my gestures enhance whole face, you watch the eye socket eye pattern
眼紋有立即改善 , 而且我的臉真的整個亮白了 , 連黑眼圈也變得不明顯
Eye pattern immediately improved and my face really bright, white, even dark circles become obvious
Everbella的蝸牛產品真的很神奇 , 比我過往用過的好像更高一等 ,
Everbella snail products are really amazing, and the past than I used seems to be more advanced,
聞說他們有意打進香港 , 超期待的阿 ~
I heard that they intend to enter the Hong Kong, I'm looking forward to it.
French Helix Aspersa Muller snail extract, known ingredients Allantoin to repair scar, helping skin to fight free radicals,
Moisturizing, wound repair, soothe and relieve to keep skin conditioning and soothing effect.
Snail shell or bodily injuried, Allantoin can be more than self-protection mechanisms, repair conditioning on human skin equally effective.
Collagen, skin connective tissue component Eelastin, a common architecture intact skin, beauty care products,
in order to keep the water of its effectiveness as a moisturizing agent.
Elastin, it keeps the skin tissue, the skin loses its elasticity, resulting in wrinkles grew older,
The appropriate supplement Elastin to prevent early wrinkles, reduce UV damage to the skin.
Glycolic acid (1.6%), to reduce the adhesion of the stratum corneum, promoting the aging tissue natural peeling, rehydrated skin tissue to remove dull skin,
Against free radical damage to the skin, stimulate collagen ability to regulate.
Polysaccharides, which help conserve water and protect the skin. Proteolytic enzyme, the balance between the help of proteolytic enzymes and hydrolysis resistant.
Vitamins A, C, E, and promote collagen synthesis and skin newborn.
One bottle of snail cream has a lot of high-quality ingredients
Because ths snail mucus has a very magical effect.
除了補濕 , 它主要能加速皮膚的修復能力 ,
In addition to rehydrate it can accelerate the skin's ability to repair,
用在有傷口的皮膚上 , 是絕對適合不過
Use it on the skin wound is absolutely appropriate
Everbella的蝸牛霜呈乳霜狀 , 推開後好像有一層保護膜
Everbella snail cream was creamy, pushed seems to have a protective film
重點在於它很清爽 , 而同時能高效補濕
The focus is that it is very refreshing, while efficiently hydrating
精華之後我會塗上這個蝸牛霜 , 這樣效果就更好
I will be coated this snail cream after Essence , so the effect will be greater
正面給你們看好了 ~
see it ~
The left side of the picture is photographed after I run out of the two products.
除了因為我的手勢令整個臉拉提了 , 你看那眼圈眼紋的地方
In addition to my gestures enhance whole face, you watch the eye socket eye pattern
眼紋有立即改善 , 而且我的臉真的整個亮白了 , 連黑眼圈也變得不明顯
Eye pattern immediately improved and my face really bright, white, even dark circles become obvious
Everbella的蝸牛產品真的很神奇 , 比我過往用過的好像更高一等 ,
Everbella snail products are really amazing, and the past than I used seems to be more advanced,
聞說他們有意打進香港 , 超期待的阿 ~
I heard that they intend to enter the Hong Kong, I'm looking forward to it.
小嬌寫文寫好久的 而你推文只要一秒鐘
幫忙推一下啦 ~!!
感謝 !
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謝謝 Everbella
謝謝 Everbella
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